A brand package created for an ice cream shop by the beach.
Page one of the Sea & Salt Ice Cream Social Club brand folder describes what the company is and who the target market is.
Page two of the Sea & Salt Social Club brand folder contains images used in creating the brand including a variety of sea photos as well as colors and several elements created to get to the final logo icon..
Page three of the Sea & Salt Social Club brand folder depict the final two brand colors along with there tints.
Page four of the Sea & Salt Social Club brand folder lists the three brand fonts, Ohno Blazeface, Parlare, and Hero New with how they are used within the brand.
Page five of the Sea & Salt Social Club brand folder depicts the final logo in full color, black, and white as well as two variations on the logo in all three colors as well.
Page six of the Sea & Salt Social Club brand folder shows a print asset created for the brand. There is a font and back photo of a menu in a trifold layout.

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