Animated logo for Dagney Grace Design Co. The descender of the letter y extends, a floral bud appears at the end, and then the flower blooms.

Dagney grace animated GIF logo

Dagney Grace Design Co is a small business start up that will sell stationary gifts, printables, svg files and more. Dagney Grace Design Co will begin by selling via Etsy. Assets designed for Dagney Grace Design Co include the logo, the animated logo in GIF form, a business card, an Etsy Banner, and a social media profile picture. 
Front and back mockup of business card for Dagney Grace Design Co. Featuring business cards falling.

double sided business cards

Cover image for Etsy shop featuring the Dagney Grace Design Co logo, the floral illustration, and a scattering of multi-colored hexegons.

Etsy cover image

Social media image featuring the Dagney Grace Design Co logo, the floral illustration, and a scattering of multi-colored hexegons.

Square social media image

The name Dagney means "New Day." Using this for inspiration, photos of sunrise were curated to draw inspiration for the brand color palette. Flowers that mean grace were curated to loosely inspire the floral illustration. The flower illustration was then based on the Weigela flower, but the color was adapted to fit the brand color palette. 

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